About us
Airsoft Store
BTW Nummer : BE0659896740
Licentienummer : 2/3/16/083
Airsoft Store Oostkamp (near Bruges)
Legeweg 135/2
8020 Oostkamp (Belgium)
+32 (0)50 69 46 68
Airsoft Store Gent
Dok Noord 7, verd. 1, Bus 108
9000 Gent (Belgium)
+32 (0)9 398 12 31
- Tuesday till saturday : from 10u00 till 12u00 / 13u00 till 18u30
- Closed on Sunday / monday / holliday
- Monday / Tuesday AND Thursday Friday : 10u00 - 18u00
- Saturday 10u00 - 17u30
- Closed on Sunday / Wednesday / Holliday
DV Europe CVBA has built a reputation by carrying out its activities with integrity and with respect for the interests of all those who have a relationship with our company.
This reputation is an added value, just like our brands, products, customers, suppliers and employees.
Our core interest is to be a successful company. This means investing in our growth in the short and long term.
It also means that we treat our customers, employees, suppliers and other business partners with respect, as well as the environment.
The Code requires the highest standards of behavior of all those related to the company.
The 7 core principles of our Code are:
- We adhere to the law.
- We carry out our activities on the basis of honesty and integrity.
- We work together on the basis of mutual trust and respect, regardless of race, religion, gender or culture.
- We want to create safe and healthy working conditions.
- We do not directly or indirectly use any form of forced or child labor.
- We neither give nor receive, directly or indirectly, bribes or other improper benefits aimed at business or financial gain.
- We refrain from activities whose interests could conflict with our responsibilities to our company.
Code of Business Principles
Our "Code of Business Principles" describes the operational standards that everyone applies to DV Europe, anywhere in the world. It also supports our approach to corporate social responsibility.
Behavior standards
We carry out our activities on the basis of honesty, integrity and openness, and with respect for the human rights and interests of our employees.
Likewise, we will respect the legitimate interests of those with whom we maintain business relations.
Compliance with the law
DV Europe and our employees are obliged to comply with the laws and regulations of the countries in which we operate.
Staff members
We strive for diversity in a work environment where people approach each other with trust and respect and where everyone feels responsible for the results and reputation of our company. We want our employees to work together on the basis of mutual respect, regardless of race, religion, gender or culture. We therefore do not want an individual employee to impose religious or cultural beliefs on colleagues. We want our employees to prevent any form of sexual harassment.
We will only recruit, employ and promote employees on the basis of the qualifications and skills required to perform the work. We want to create safe and healthy working conditions for all employees. We will not use any form of forced or child labor.
Together with our employees, we want to develop and improve the skills and abilities of each of them. We respect the dignity of the individual and the right of employees to freedom of association. We will ensure good communication with our employees through information and consultation procedures at company level.
Business partners
In our business contacts we expect our business partners to apply the business principles (rules of conduct) that are consistent with ours.
DV Europe strives as a company to be a reliable member of society and, as an integral part of it, to fulfill its responsibilities towards the societies and communities in which it operates.
DV Europe branches are encouraged to promote and defend their legitimate business interests. They will cooperate with governments and other agencies, both directly and through institutions such as trade associations, in developing proposed legislation and other regulations in those areas that may affect its legitimate business interests. DV Europe CVBA does not support political parties and does not contribute to funds from groups that aim to promote party interests.
The environment
We are committed to continuously controlling the influence of our activities on the environment and to developing sustainable business operations in the longer term. DV Europe will work with partners to promote environmental protection, to increase understanding of environmental issues and to disseminate good working practices.
Our innovation is focused on meeting the needs of our consumer. We will respect the concerns of the consumer and society. We will work on the basis of sound scientific research and apply strict standards for product safety.
DV Europe CVBA believes in strong but fair competition and supports the development of appropriate legislation in this area. Our industries and employees will act in accordance with the principles of fair competition and with all applicable regulations.
DV Europe CVBA neither gives nor receives, direct or indirect, bribes or other improper advantages aimed at business or financial gain. No employee is permitted to offer, give or receive a gift or payment that represents a kickback or can be interpreted as such. Any request for or offer of kickbacks must be immediately rejected and reported to the management. The financial records and supporting documents of DV Europe CVBA must accurately describe and describe the nature of the underlying transactions. Secret or non-registered accounts, monetary amounts or assets will not be created or held.
All employees are expected to avoid personal activities and financial interests that could conflict with their responsibilities to the company. Employees are prohibited from directly or indirectly seeking gain for themselves or others through abuse of their position.
Compliance with these rules of conduct is an essential part of our success as a company. The day-to-day responsibility is delegated to the senior management of the business units in areas where we operate. They are responsible for ensuring that these rules of conduct are complied with, if necessary through more detailed guidelines tailored to local needs.
The store | Legeweg 135/2 | VAT number | BE0659896740 |
8020 Oostkamp | License number | 2/3/16/083 | |
Belgium | Bank account number | BE81 0689 3035 5824 | |
Phone | +32 (0) 50 69 46 68 | Bank code | GKCCBEBB |
[email protected] | Name of the company | Airsoft Store - DV Europe CVBA |